Pre-sales Strategies- "Reason behind why customers won't buy".

Hi !!!

Would you like to get to more revenue, higher forecast accuracy and less risk in your projects?

Have you invested a lot in training in sales and pre-sales, have pretty good  pre-sales people on board, but are sometimes still irritated when you see your sales executives from the customer, talk to early about the solution or show little feeling for the situation understood the requirement but did not reflect anything back to the customer. 

Got defensive or presented technically and the highest-ranking customer did not get the message. There is a lot of sales training out there but typically pre-sales people are not too excited about them because these training's do not consider their daily jobs or the world of experience. No matter if you're selling hardware software solutions or whether it's about data center automation, cloud, digital transformation big data analytics .Customers are well informed they are looking for solutions to their challenges they often want everything as a service.

Let’s first understand What is Presales?

Pre-sale is a procedure or a lot of exercises ordinarily done before a client is gained.

However some of the time presales additionally stretch out into the period the item or administration is conveyed to the client. The key responsibilities start from Contact Lead -Suspect Prospect-Opportunity then finally the sales is made. 

close sales, customers

This job is particularly a great importance in these ventures the light of the fact is that the necessities of various clients are regularly only one of a kind.

The presales proficient therefore outlines what the client needs, builds up an underlying perspective on the arrangement the client needs at that point tailors product and services of his organization to meet what the client needs, discloses this answer for the client, helps close the arrangement or deal and regularly remains on to guarantee that the conveyance group or item masters that tail him give the expected arrangement.

Pre-sales include:

Discovery a way to reveal subtleties of business issues that the prospect has and intently break down the prospects prerequisites. So what are your preset people got better in establishing their own relationships to customers, understood the real pain points and only then design the right solution and what if they learn to talk to CEOs or heads of sales or marketing or even doctors. In the past your experts presented technology the demos and workshops and one technical battles and architecture and defended solution design.

This article can help the  technical sales people, to change their self-perception and add skills and evolve into solution managers, catalyst, challenges, care takers and coaches. If they are addressed the right way and they will trust with their trainer they are very much willing to learn and to grow because tomorrow there will be in customer situations again.

Two simple things creating awareness and rehearsing new collection. 

On the awareness side, it is about to understands how the market has changed what is the difference when talking to business people outside of IT.

 what, who, when,how
  • Which topics are really relevant for a person with a 500 million sales target?
  • What will qualify you to talk to them?
  •  How much do they want to dive into details why sustainable relationships matter even more today?
  • When you talk to customers what happens in their brains ?
  • How charisma can be enhanced ?
  • Why we should send less and listen more ?
  • How questions work?
  • Why we should avoid assumptions and how can we increase our persuasiveness and make people listen?

 On the rehearsing new strategies side it's about building these sustainable relationships, coaching and consulting approach and communicating in front of the customer.
how to bring buisness
  • What are the driving forces even of my customer force on a business and personal level? 
  • How do we let go of talking products and allow open-ended discussions and learn about our customers really?
  • How can we bring business value build trust and get commitments? 

The presales person will understand and closely analyse the prospects requirements.

follow up, sales, conversion

It starts with Preparation, Demonstration, Request for Proposal, Marketing and proposal assistance, Product management. 

Programming introduction that decisively addresses the issues of the prospect. It will be done in a way that features a simple technique to demonstrate that sales people will take care of those issues utilizing the devices accessible inside the seller’s suite of item.

In that capacity, presales are much of the time engaged with specialized and must have a detailed knowledge of the product subtleties a request for proposal. Presales can give unparalleled market criticism to item directors that can be utilized to impact or give input on item guide things. Presales were engaged with the deal since the disclosure of the prospect business issues, presales will regularly finish the business examination and specialized part of a business proposition.

Consulting is a lot about asking the right question and when we get closer to the core of things how we can consider the answers we get to be hyperlinks that we click on and ask even more this keeps the scope open and we might even learn about the competition when we plan for any customer meeting do we define a target for that meeting. 

How do we get the tools ready in front of our customer understand reactions better, avoid unnecessary conflicts and user voice more effectively and first and foremost how do we communicate our business value crystal-clear and get commitment so to sum it up you will see significantly better results higher forecast accuracy and less risk because you people build awareness for the changes in our industry, build awareness for communication principles and expand the repertoire for relationship building, consulting and effective communication.

All this will take place in the challenging but respectful atmosphere where people will have a chance to articulate concerns and try to do things differently and of course they'll be able to implement this in their daily businesses.

Lastly let’s discuss about the 5 reasons customers won't buy acronym it stands for-

real issue of no

  • No Money
  • No Time
  • No Need
  • No Urgency
  • No Trust

Let's look at the reasons people don't buy-

First one is money now there's a small percentage of people who literally don't have the money to buy but I believe that there a small percentage the majority people have the money and are willing to spend the money, if you can show them the value of what you're offering so money isn't really an excuse it really isn't some people say they don't have any time well guess what now I don't buy that one either because if I could show you how to save money you will make the time to save that money if I could show you how to make more money you will take time to learn how to make more money so you know time is not really an issue if you can prove the value so if money is not the issue time is not the issue maybe it's need.

People know they need something some people don't there's something called a trigger event maybe the customer has a need that's one person but then there's people who don't know they need something so  our job is to make them aware that they need it so we first have to ask ourselves does the client know that they need this product .Some clients will say no some will say yes.

If they say yes great if they say no then our job first is to demonstrate why they need the product now here's the kicker just because they need it doesn't mean they'll buy it. So what we have to do is move to the next phase which now that we know that they need it now that they know that they need it is it urgent we've all been in this situation you know I need that but do I really need to get it now in other words is it really that urgent.

So then our job now if it's not about the money it's not about the time they know they need it that our job is to really to create a sense of urgency .In other words if they don't take action now they're gonna lose money if they don't take action now they're not gonna make as much money if they don't take action now they're gonna miss out on a great opportunity you have to learn to position in such a way that the customer feels this sense of urgency .The last part is now that I know I need it is urgent I have to take action the last part is trust .Do I trust you and the product or service you're offering to solve my problem? That can really help me can it really help me so the last part is all about trust.

So keep this in mind I want this to be your little sales model when you're talking to a customer ask yourself is it money time need urgency or trust? so if they don't buy I want you to kind of start analyzing why they're not buying .

prospects to leads

Is it really about the money ?is it really about the time ?maybe I didn't create the need first or maybe even if I did create the need maybe there's my story isn't compelling enough to create that sense of urgency or maybe you did create the need maybe you showed them and it was urgent but you know what they didn't trust you . Then you have to ask yourself how do I develop more credibility how do I gain there and as you begin looking at these five pieces of your sales presentation you'll begin to get a better idea of how to position your product and how to walk through these spaces these five phases of not buying.

I hope you liked this article. Please share this article with them or if you have any specific questions please comment below I hope I’ve covered them all. If any left, do tell me in the comments. I'll try to reply. And if more questions are left I'll cover them too. Bye Goodnight, Good afternoon, Good morning whenever you are reading this article.


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