
Showing posts from June, 2019

Pre-sales Strategies- "Reason behind why customers won't buy".

Hi !!! Would you like to get to more revenue, higher forecast accuracy and less risk in your projects? Have you invested a lot in training in sales and pre-sales, have pretty good  pre-sales people on board, but are sometimes still irritated when you see your sales executives from the customer, talk to early about the solution or show little feeling for the situation understood the requirement but did not reflect anything back to the customer.   Got defensive or presented technically and the highest-ranking customer did not get the message. There is a lot of sales training out there but typically pre-sales people are not too excited about them because these training's do not consider their daily jobs or the world of experience. No matter if you're selling hardware software solutions or whether it's about data center automation, cloud, digital transformation big data analytics .Customers are well informed they are looking for solutions to their challenges th...